Judicious use of irrigation systems is one of the most important aspects of running a golf course, from the most modest 9-hole pitch 'n' putt to the most lavishly appointed country club course -- they call it the green for a reason. However, even the most sophisticated array of sprinklers and rain guns is only as efficient as the pipes that supply them with water, and choosing the right type of pipe for your course irrigation system is vital to its long-term efficiency.

Why should you use galvanised pipes for my golf course irrigation system?

Choosing the right materials for your irrigation piping is just as important as choosing the correct dimensions, and galvanised steel is one of the most commonly used piping materials in irrigation systems. This popularity is not without cause, and installing galvanised steel piping in your irrigation system can have a wide range of benefits:

Rust resistant

Galvanised steel piping is coated in a thin yet durable layer of zinc oxide, a material that protects the steel underneath from rust and corrosion by slowly corroding itself -- a phenomenon known as cathodic protection. This layer of protection gives your piping a tremendous resistance to rust that can last for years or even decades. As you can imagine, this is a must for piping that will handle thousands of gallons of water during the dryer months, and galvanised steel piping can even handle the slightly brackish water often used to irrigate coastal courses.

Can be recoated

The limitations of cathodic protection mean that, after several years or decades (the durability of the galvanised coating will depend on soil and weather conditions), it will wear away and leave your steel piping vulnerable. However, this coating can be reapplied easily and inexpensively.


Applying this layer of zinc oxide does nothing to diminish the immense durability and load-bearing strength of steel, and galvanised steel pipes can endure a great deal of punishment. They are entirely capable of bearing the weight of carts, lawnmowers and other course vehicles, making them perfect for buried piping systems concealed beneath greens and fairways. They are also difficult to pierce accidentally with forks, augers and other landscaping tools.


Despite this strength and durability, galvanised steel piping is surprisingly inexpensive, especially when purchased in bulk from a reputable galvanised steel piping merchant. It is often considerably cheaper than other rust resistant metal pipes, such as aluminium and copper piping.

Easy to procure

The popularity of galvanised steel piping in irrigation systems (as well as other piping applications such as industrial hot water systems) means that virtually every piping distributor and metal fabricator sells them, so you'll never have to look far to enough piping for the most expansive courses.
